
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bath = Restful Night

We gave our little Maddy a bath tonight.  I can't believe how much my baby loves the water, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised because I was a little water baby myself when I was young.  I grew up in Southern California, so as soon as it was warm enough outside, my parents and grandparents had me in the swimming pool.  I think I was only four months old when I first went in the pool.  It's too bad that my husband and I now live in Washington because I don't know if Maddy will ever be able to enjoy the water like I used to.  I guess we need to plan on moving back to California someday :) I think it might happen someday :)

Back to the bath - Maddy just loves her baths.  Before Maddy was born we attended quite a few baby classes at the hospital where I was going to delivery.  Unfortunately I don't think we learned much in the classes.  And, the few things that I did learn were not used in our delivery because I was admitted to the hospital before contractions started and when it came down to delivery, I had an emergency c-section.  But, the one thing that we did use was their advice not to spend a lot of money on the fancy baby baths. We had one on our registry, but quickly removed it because they convinced us it wasn't necessary - and I think they were right.  So, we use a simple dishpan to give Maddy her baths.  It's perfect for her size, plus we'll be able to use the dishpans in other ways after she is big enough for the bath tub.

I also love that the baths calms her down - that is why we give her a bath right before she goes to bed.  I'm not sure if it is the warm water or the baby wash that makes her so calm, but I love it.  We dry her off with her cute little baby towel, rub some of the Johnson & Johnson Bedtime Lotion on her and dress her and she drifts off to sleep.  She sleeps so well after baths - I wish I could give her a bath every day :)

Here is to a restful night tonight because Maddy should be sleeping for at least five hours straight! 

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