
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The 5 S's

When I was pregnant and since it was our first child, we went to a few of the child birth classes.  I didn't use much of the information we learned in the classes because 1) I was admitted to the hospital before I went into labor, 2) I didn't have much pain before going into labor and 3) I had an emergency C-Section and never had to push.  However, there is one thing that I took from the classes - we should check out the book The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp, M.D. 

I got the book and read it slowly.  It actually has a lot of great information, especially the "5 S's."  The 5 S's is a technique that Dr. Karp suggests to calm a baby.  At first I didn't think that it would work, but it has amazed me.  Every time, no matter how crank the baby is, she calms down and eventually falls asleep.  Who would have thought that these things would calm a baby?
  1. Swaddling - wrap her up tight in a receiving blanket.
  2. Side or Stomach - place her on her side or stomach (while holding her)
  3. Shhh...  Shhh in her ear.  And, no quiet shh'es, loud shhh.
  4. Swinging - swing her (constant motion)
  5. Suck - let her suck on something.  We use a pacifier.
Tonight Maddy was in an extra cranky mood.  I breastfed her and she just did not want to unlatch, although I know she was not hungry any more.  This went on for over a hour.  She just wanted to be on the breast and as soon as I would take her away, she would cry.  I couldn't continue holding her, so I finally put the 5 S's in place and right away she calmed down and drifted off to sleep.

I have found one more piece of advice in the book that has been a lifesaver:
No matter how hot you think it might be, swaddle the baby when you put her to sleep.  This will make the baby sleep much better.  As soon as we started swaddling Maddy at night, she has slept 7+ straight hours a night.  We started swaddling her regularly at night at 5.5 weeks and since then we have been getting great sleep at night!

So, for any parents that are new, The Happiest Baby on the Block is a book that I would highly recommend that you check out!

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