
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Relaxing Day

Today was a relaxing day for the whole family.  We decided to stay in and not do anything in particular because it was a rainy day - what else is new in the Seattle area?

The day started by us waking up at 8:30 a.m.  The reason why this was so great is because Maddy slept nine straight hours last night. She is only only seven weeks old and she is already sleeping through the night, which makes me so happy! It looks like I'll be able to return to work in about a week without being exhausted.  It will be great to not be exhausted at work (not being at work - I'm not looking forward to it because I'm going to miss my baby so much!)

We stayed in bed for a little longer after waking up and watched a movie.  All three of us fell asleep again for about a hour after watching the movie.  I guess we all needed to catch up on our sleep.

When we finally got out of bed, we still didn't do anything productive.  We just sat around, watched a little more television and played with Maddy.  It was a wonderful day and I hope we have many more like this.  We are always so busy and I'm afraid we're going to miss out on Maddy growing up... days like today will always be welcome because it allows us to spend precious time with her.

Now time for bed... we have church in the morning and will then be celebrating Father's Days - Maverick's first father's day as a daddy!

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