
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hemangiomas Check-up

Yesterday we had our appointment with the eye doctor for Maddy.  The doctor was going to check on her hemangiomas under her right eye.  I was so afraid that they were going to tell us that they would have to do some sort of surgery or laser work on her to remove it, but it looks as though everything is okay... at least for now.

The doctor did some checking and right now the hemangiomas is not affecting her vision or tear duct.  This is great news!  The doctor did prescribe some eye drops to put on her hemangiomas.  The eye drops are normally used to treat glaucoma, but the doctor said that it can also be used to prevent the birthmark from growing any bigger.  Because it is so close to her eye, it is imperative that it doesn't get any bigger because we do not want it to effect her vision or the tear duct.  I have but the drop on her skin three times now and it may be wishful thinking, but I think her hemangiomas already looks a little less red and I think it looks a little flatter.  Again, it may be wishful thinking, but I really think that these drops are helping her!

Here is a picture of her hemangiomas today after three treatments of the eye drop:
I'll try to take pictures occasionally to see if there is any change.  But, so far it's looking better! 

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