
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, June 10, 2011

She's Growing

Yesterday I noticed that Maddy's newborn clothing was becoming too small for her.  When I put on one of her sleep and play outfits, her legs barely fit.  Her legs were actually bent a little because she has grown so much.

Today, as I was putting her in her car seat, I got another reminder that she is growing.  We bought her the Eddie Bauer 2-in-1 Head Support for her car seat before she was born because we wanted her to be comfortable.  Plus, we wanted something that would secure her head so that it wouldn't move too much.  This product is great because the inner support is perfect for a newborn... but, it's too small for her now.  I put her in today and I had to adjust the support to get her head to fit.  But, as soon as I got her buckled in, she started crying.  Now that she's been around for six weeks, I have figured out what her different cries mean, and this cry meant she was uncomfortable.  I took her out of the car seat, took out the newborn support, put her back into the car seat and she was quiet as could be - even smiling at me as I was looking at her.  That is what it was - she has become too big for her newborn support. 

It's funny.  Every time I heard a mom get a little emotional because her baby was growing, I always thought they were a little crazy.  Why would a mom be sad that her baby was growing up?  But, I now understand their feeling.  My baby is growing so fast - in a short time she'll be walking, talking and going to school.  I know... that is some time away, but she's growing up and there is nothing that I can do to slow it down. 

Oh how she makes me smile just looking at her.  =D

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