
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 13, 2011

Spoiled Milk

One thing that I never thought about before being a mom was all of the spoiled milk there would be.  And, what's even worse is the horrible smell!  No, I'm not talking about milk sitting around and going bad.  I'm talking about all of the milk that Maddy drinks that either doesn't get in her mouth, or the milk that does get in her mouth that she spits-up up later. 

Yes, it gets on her clothing and that's not fun.  But, that's easy to fix.  All I have to do is change her clothing.  But, what is worse is the milk that rolls down into her neck area.  No matter how much I wipe and clean, there is always some residue of milk.  And, because she's still a little baby with lots of extra skin, especially in her neck area, some of the milk hides in the rolls.  Again, I do my best to clean her, but sometimes that milk is sneaky!  And the bad thing about it is that I don't discover the milk until it becomes stinky!  Yuck!

Bibs are great to make sure that the milk doesn't get on her clothing, but what can I use to cover her neck?  I need to keep thinking about this because I know I'm not the only one with this problem.  I need to invent something - it will be the next best invention in the baby section!  I'll be rich and then I can become a SAHM - my dream!

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